
General Information

Full Name Ramya Prabhu
Date of Birth 19th October 2001
Languages English, Hindi


  • 2023
    PES University, Bengaluru
    • BTech in Computer Science, GPA - 8.98/10.00
    • Relevant Courses
      • System Performance and Profiling.
      • Computer Architecture
      • OS


  • Jul 2023 -
    Research Fellow
    Microsoft Research India
    • Worked with AI Infrastructure team to optimise the LLM Inference
    • Projects
      • vAttention
  • Dec 2022 - Jun 2023
    Research Intern
    PAR Lab, Intel Labs, Bengaluru
    • Worked on optimising performance of the CPU's memory subsystem.

Open Source Projects

  • 2024-now
    • Dynamic Memory Management for Serving LLMs without PagedAttention.

Honors and Awards

  • 1921
    • Nobel Prize in Physics
    • Matteucci Medal

Academic Interests

  • Systems
  • Systems for ML

Other Interests

  • Hobbies: Painting, Reading, etc.